When painting the exterior of Dallas homes we frequently encounter rotted or damaged wood on siding, window sills, trim or shutters. While many paint over it and try to cover damaged spots the best course of action is to repair the affected areas and restore your largest investment.
How to Recognize Wood Rot Rot happens, even to the best of houses. All it takes is wood, water, and warmth. Wood rot is generally easy to repair, although you can't fix it until you find it. With a 5-in-1 tool carefully inspect the horizontal boards that may not drain completely, like corner joints, window sills, drip caps, end grain and wood that is close to masonry or dirt. Also, look for paint that is blistering, peeling or cracked and wood that is darker than the surrounding area or contains green algae. If you're able to push the tool's tip easily into a suspect board, then it's time to root out the rot.
Wood Replacement Patch Depending on the extent and the size of the damage to the wood, there are times when it's best to replace the damaged section with new wood. The methods for replacing wood trim are very similar to these wood siding repair processes.